An overview of the projects, the preferred age group per scenario and the link of the scenario’s to subjects within the curriculum can be found below.
For students of the ages: 15-17. Best link to the curriculum: M&O (Management & Organisation), Economics, NLT (Nature, Live, Technology) and Art (textile art forms).
This project focuses on three componentes: entrepreneurial competences, the creation of your own sustainable product, and communication (if possible, close collaboration) with a peer group in Europe/India. Students will brainstorm about the type of product they would like to launch and create a draft for their business plan. They will conduct interviews with entrepreneurs/exports and prepare peer reviews to discuss strengths of the plan and areas of improvement. Then, students will create a product or a service (real product or prototype). They will also promote their business and develop their own communication strategy. Through peer review, students will also explore opportunities for their product on the market of their partner group’s country. A written reflection and comparison report are part of the project. Groups can decide to participate in the basic, advanced (extra tasks) or collaborative option (closer collaboration with peers in India to create similar/common product).
For students of the ages: 13-15. Best link to the curriculum: any subject related to Art (Drawing, Crafts, Music, etc.)
Students will form groups and will listen to a European/Indian song that was picked by their intercultural partner group. Students will then individually create a drawing/painting based on their interpretation of the music. For part 2 of this project, groups will create and a presentation (and a quiz about) about an artist from their own country. Part 3 of the project focuses on the creation of an art piece, within their own group. A written reflection and comparison report are part of the project.
For students of the ages: 13-15. Best link to the curriculum: Biology, Physics, Chemistry
One group of Indian students and one group of European students will form one team working on the same topic, but will use their own cultural background as their basis. Topics are ‘saving energy at school’, ‘waste management at school’, ‘ecological companies’, ‘food saving’, ‘green means’ and ‘ecological creativity’. Students will conduct interviews to answer their research question and write a written report based on their findings. A written reflection and comparison report are part of the project.
For students of the ages: 13-17. Best link to the curriculum: not one particular subject, can be linked to many subjects.
One group of Indian students and one group of European students will form one team working on the same topic but will use their own cultural background as their basis. The overall assignment for this project is to create a TV show, based on input by the students of the partner school. The TV show should focus on a topic relating to the habits, culture or rituals of the other country. Students are stimulated to be creative and original and use humor in their show. They are responsible for all aspects of the TV show, including the script, location, sound, camera, and the presentation. After the TV shows are uloaded on YouTube, students need to write a reflection and collaboration report as part of the project.
For students of the ages: 13-15. Best link to the curriculum: Geography.
One group of Indian students and one group of European students will form one team working on the same topic but will use their own cultural background as their basis. This project focuses on researching how things are arranged in your region. Topics include ‘transport and traffic safety’, ‘facilities for youth’, ‘celebrations’ and ‘sports’. Students will conduct interviews to answer their research question and write a written report based on their findings. A written reflection and comparison report are part of the project.
For students of the ages: 13-15. Best link to the curriculum: not one particular subject, can be linked to many subjects.
One group of Indian students and one group of European students will form one team working on the same topic but will use their own cultural background as their basis. This project focuses on researching the values in your country. Topics are ‘members of the family’, ‘respect for grandparents’, ‘women empowerment’, ‘multicultural school, ‘weddings and marriages’, ‘festivals’, ‘student-teacher relations’ and ‘friendship’. Students will conduct interviews to answer their research question and write a written report based on their findings. A written reflection and comparison report are part of the project.
For students of the ages: 13-15. Best link to the curriculum: not one particular subject, can be linked to many subjects.
One group of Indian students and one group of European students will form one team working on the same topic but will use their own cultural background as their basis. This project focuses on researching the ‘world of work’ of a specific organisation type within your country. Organisations are hospitals, hotels/restaurants, schools, charity organizations, enterprises, churches, architecture, the media, and the local government. Students will conduct interviews to answer their research question and write a written report based on their findings. A written reflection and comparison report are part of the project.
For students of the ages: 13-15. Best link to the curriculum: History.
One group of Indian students and one group of European students will form one team working on the same topic but will use their own cultural background as their basis. This project focuses on researching the perspectives and experiences of ‘3 generations’ (grandparents, parents, and their own). Topics are ‘gender related roles’, ‘mass media’, ‘spare time’, ‘school life’, ‘family life’ and ‘healthy life’. Students will conduct interviews to answer their research question and write a written report in which they compare across generations and give their own opinion on the matter. A written reflection and comparison report are part of the project.
For students of all ages. Best link to the curriculum: Maths.
One group of Indian students and one group of European students will form one team working on the same topic but will use their own cultural background as their basis. This project focuses on researching the practical use of maths in different areas. Topics can include ‘maths in fine art’, ‘mats in nature’, ‘maths in sports’ and ‘maths in the kitchen’. Students will conduct interviews to answer their research question and write a written report based on their findings. A written reflection and comparison report are part of the project.
For students of the ages: 15-17. Best link to the curriculum: Social sciences.
One group of Indian students and one group of European students will form one team working on the same topic, but will use their own cultural background as their basis. This project focuses on researching the violation of human rights with themes such as ‘gender equality’, ‘basic necessities’ and ‘physical violence’. Students will contduct interviews and make a video or write a report about the social wrong that the group has chosen. They will then take action and use a creative way to draw attention to the injustice, for example by writing a poem, making a photographic story or creating a comic. A written reflection and comparison report are part of the project.
For students of the ages: 15-17. Best link to the curriculum: Social sciences, English..
One group of Indian students and one group of European students will form one team working on the same topic, but will use their own cultural background as their basis. This project focuses on researching the violation of human rights with themes such as ‘gender equality’, ‘basic necessities’ and ‘physical violence’. Students will contduct interviews and make a video or write a report about the social wrong that the group has chosen. They will then take action and use a creative way to draw attention to the injustice, for example by writing a poem, making a photographic story or creating a comic. A written reflection and comparison report are part of the project.